The Report is In And Cancer is out!

Cancer is shitty.
Cancer can suck junk.
Literally everyone hates you, cancer.
Go to bed, bitch! And catch the early morning flight to Hell!

Every form of mental and physical illness is shitty. I’ve experienced what it’s like to live with illness that’s relentless. Illness that puts big red exes in life plans. Illness that kills. I’ve also experienced what it’s like to love someone through all of these illnesses. It’s gut-wrenching.

I discovered a lump in my breast on my 38th birthday. A few appointments and blood draws later, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The chemo was equally aggressive and squashed my chances of having children. I broke one piece of bad news after the next to my family. It was crushing–for all of us.

Even with the very best medical care from the beautiful geniuses at Memorial Sloan Kettering, my health took every wrong turn, and then another. I had lifesaving medical procedures over and over that were gruesome, painful and terrifying.  I used every trick in the book to deal with it all, but I have PTSD.

It’s scary and messy. I have to adjust my expectations all the time, but I’ve learned how to keep living.

And that’s why I’m here to
• Illuminate a path through trauma
• Intentionally live after suffering
• Walk with others like me

Please lean on my knowledge and experiences in hopeless times as a means to find your inner strength. We’ll get through this.

Every form of mental and physical illness is shitty.

I’ve experienced what it’s like to live with illness that’s relentless. Illness that puts big red exes in life plans. Illness that kills.  

I discovered a lump in my breast on my 38th birthday. After advocating for access to testing, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The chemo was equally aggressive and squashed my chances of having children.

I broke one piece of bad news after the next to my family. It was crushing–for all of us.

Even with the very best medical care from the beautiful geniuses at Memorial Sloan Kettering, my health took every wrong turn. I had lifesaving medical procedures over and over that were gruesome, painful and terrifying.  I used every trick in the book to deal with it all, but I have PTSD.

It’s scary and messy every day, but I’ve learned how to keep living.

And that’s why I’m here to
• Illuminate a path through trauma
• Intentionally live after pain
• Walk with others like me

Please lean on my knowledge and experiences in hopeless times as a means to find your inner strength. We’ll get through this.

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Middle Fingers up to medical trauma

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1 Part Doctor, 1 Part WEirdo

Krisy Elrod double exposed faces

Hometown: Edinburg, TX

Currently planted: Pennsylvania

Zodiac: Aquarius

Weirdest job: YMCA Summer Camp Counselor (also the best job)

Love: sunshine, SNL, ceramics, and dark chocolate

Dream vacation: A multi-leg trip around the world on planes, trains, automobiles, boats and any other way I can find.

Pet Peeves: whistling

Favorite quote: “We acquire the strength we have overcome.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Something unexpected: I love anything macabre, especially jokes.  Memento Mori.

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